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APIS Translation (English)

�ǣ(Column). 105;660 drachmas, 6 obols, another 52 drachmas, 28 obols;;the balance of the account 4 drachmas, 14 obols;;deposits, 44 drachmas, 28 obols, another 20 drachmas;;the total 724 drachmas;;808 drachmas, 14 obols;;the 12th of the same (month) to the collectors, 24 drachmas;;the 13th Sarap() 2044 drachmas, to the collectors, 24 drachmas;;the 14th Sarap() 700 drachmas, as well as 24 <drachmas>;;15 houses, 116 drachmas, 10 obols;;the 15th of the same (month), Sarap() 2000 drachmas;;pro;;late 196 drachmas;;deposits, 152 drachmas, 28 obols;;348 drachmas, 28 obols;;of the expense;;Sarap() through Pom() 68 drachmas;;And for the collectors, 24 drachmas;;The remaining 256 drachmas, 28 obols.�ǥ