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Original BP record

Index: 152 260
Titre: JOHNSON Janet H. (Ed.), Life in a Multi-Cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond. (SAOC. 51.)
Publication: Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1992, 4°, xxvii-514 pp., tabl., figg., cartes, pll. ISBN 0-918986-84-2. $50.
Résumé: In conjunction with the Fourth International Congress of Demotists, The Oriental Institute, The University of Chicago, September 4-8, 1990. - 44 contributions. Bibliography. Indices.
C.R.: C.R. par Didier Devauchelle, BibO 53 (1996) coll. 649-655. - Günter Poethke, ArchPF 40 (1994) pp. 97-101. - Günter Vittmann, Enchoria 21 (1994) pp. 160-172. - Lászlo Kákosy, OLZ 93 (1998) coll. 157-165.
No: 1992-0399


12816. Janet H. Johnson, Life in a Multi-Cultural Society: Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond., (Chicago 1992). [xml] [edit]