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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 364 Epistulae Magica 712
Index bis: 145.4 P. Oxy. VII, 1070
Titre: KILEY Mark et alii (Edited and Introduced by), Prayer from Alexander to Constantine. A Critical Anthology.
Publication: London - New York, Routledge, 1997, xx-332 pp. ISBN 0-415-13234-7 (hbk) / 0-415-13235-5 (pbk). £50 (hbk) / £15.99 (pbk).
Résumé: Recueil de textes, traduits et annotés. Voir en part. pp. 181-184: Robert F. HULL, Jun., 30. A Prayer to Sarapis in P. Oxy. 1070 [P. Oxy. VII, 1070]; - 195-199: Christopher A. FARAONE, 33. Hymn to Selene-Hecate-Artemis from a Greek Magical Handbook (PGM IV 2714-83) [P.G.M. IV].
No: 1997-0394


14837. Mark Kiley ed., Prayer from Alexander to Constantine. A Critical Anthology., (London - New York 1997). [xml] [edit]