Original BP record
Index: 141.12 / 141.13 / 141.4 / 141.5 170 Thomas J. David 910
Index bis: 141.12 / 141.13 / 141.4 / 141.5 P. Thomas
Titre: GAGOS Traianos and Roger S. BAGNALL (Edd.), Essays and Texts in Honor of J. David
Thomas. (American Studies in Papyrology. 42.)
Publication: Oakville, Connecticut, American Society of Papyrologists, 2001, 4°, xxii-287 pp.,
1 portrait et 24 pll. ISBN 0-9700591-3-2. $45.
Résumé: P. Thomas 1-31. - Pp. xiii-xxi: Bibliography of J. David Thomas. - I. Essays. [Nos
1-9.] - II. Texts [Nos 1-31, including 2 ostraca, 2 inscriptions and 3 mummy labels.]
- III. Indices.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.E.G. L, 1563 (A. Lukaszewicz, pp. 125-129); LI, 2134 (H. Cuvigny, pp. 171-174).
C.R.: C.R. par W.E.H. Cockle, JRS 93 (2003) pp. 350-351. - Jean-Luc Fournet, ChrEg 78 (2003)
Nos 155-156, pp. 326-331. - George M. Parássoglou, Hellenika 52 (2002) pp. 371-373.
- Paul Schubert, BMCRev < http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2002/2002-03-30.html >.
No: 2001-0308
16439. Traianos Gagos and Roger S. Bagnall, Essays and Texts in Honor of J. David Thomas, (Oakville, Connecticut 2001). https://dlib.nyu.edu/ancientworld/books/isaw_asp000042/1 [xml] [edit]
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