Original BP record
Index: 800
Titre: AUTH Susan H., Significance of Egyptian, Classical and Christian Themes in Coptic
Publication: Mat IMMERZEEL and Jacques VAN DER VLIET (Edd.), with the assistance of Maarten KERSTEN
and Carolien VAN ZOEST, Coptic Studies on the Treshold of a New Millennium. Proceedings
of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies. Leiden, 27 August - 2 September
2000. II = Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. 133 (Leuven, 2004) pp. 1141-1158, 9 figg.
Résumé: Nilotic motifs. - Classical motifs. - Christian themes. - Conclusion.
No: 2004-0109
17926. Mat Immerzeel and Jacques Van Der Vliet eds., with the assistance of Maarten KERSTEN and Carolien VAN ZOEST, Coptic Studies on the Treshold of a New Millennium. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies. Leiden, 27 August - 2 September 2000. II, (Leuven September 2000). [xml] [edit]
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