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Original BP record

Index: 241 Alexandrie
Titre: HIRST Anthony and Michael SILK (Edd.), Alexandria, Real and Imagined. (Centre for Hellenic Studies. King's College London. Publications. 5.)
Publication: Aldershot, Ashgate, 2004, 8°, xxx-401 pp., 32 figg. ISBN 0-7546-3890-1. £55.
Résumé: 19 articles. - Pp. xxi-xxiii: Judith HERRIN, Preface; - A.H. and M.S., Editors' Introduction; - 375-401: Index.
C.R.: C.R. par Andrew Erskine, CR N.S., 55 (2005) pp. 594-595. - Jean A. Straus, ChrEg 80 (2005) Nos 159-160, pp. 351-353. - Barbara Tkaczow, BibO 62 (2005) coll. 509-512.
No: 2004-0461


18111. Anthony Hirst and Michael Silk, Alexandria, Real and Imagined., (Aldershot 2004). [xml] [edit]