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Index: 130 Kupiszewski Henryk 152 670
Titre: SLUZEWSKA Zuzanna and Jakub URBANIK (Edd.), Marriage: Ideal - Law - Practice. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Memory of Henryk Kupiszewski in Warsaw on the 24th of April 2004. (The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplements. Volume V.)
Publication: Warsaw, The Journal of Juristic Papyrology, 2005, 8°, 280 pp. ISBN 83-918250-4-3.
Résumé: 13 papers, in the field of legal history, Roman law and Canon law studies as well as papyrology. - Pp. vii-viii: From the Editors; - ix-x: Joseph MÉLÈZE MODRZEJEWSKI, En guise d'introduction.
No: 2005-0735


18833. Zuzanna Sluzewska and Jakub Urbanik, Marriage: Ideal - Law - Practice. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Memory of Henryk Kupiszewski in Warsaw on the 24th of April 2004., (Warsaw 2005). [xml] [edit]