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Original BP record

Index: 364 Sophocles
Titre: HOFMANN H., Kritische Nachlese zur Hypothesis des sophokleischen Tereus (P. Oxy. 3013).
Publication: Sten EKLUND † (Ed.), Συγχάρματα. Studies in Honour of Jan Fredrik Kindstrand = Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Graeca Upsaliensia. 21 (Uppsala, 2006) pp. 87-112.
Résumé: P. Oxy. XLII, 3013. - Non vidimus. Cf. Gnomon 79 (2007), Bibl. Beilage 3, pp. 69-70.
No: 2006-0365


19207. Sten Eklund ed., Συγχάρματα. Studies in Honour of Jan Fredrik Kindstrand, (Uppsala 2006). [xml] [edit]