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Index: 152 241 Nome Arsinoïte
Titre: LIPPERT Sandra and Maren SCHENTULEIT (Edd.), Graeco-Roman Fayum - Texts and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Third International Fayum Symposion, Freudenstadt, May 29 - June 1, 2007.
Publication: Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2008, 8°, viii-245 pp., tabl., graphiques, figg., cartes, plans, pll. ISBN 978-3-447-05782-0. €58.
Résumé: 20 communications. - Pp. vii: S.L. and M.S., Preface; - 225-245: Indexes.
C.R.: C.R. par Georges Nachtergael †, ChrEg 84 (2009) Nos 167-168, pp. 379-382. - Günter Poethke, ArchPF 55 (2009) pp. 135-137.
No: 2008-0409


20515. Sandra Lippert and Maren Schentuleit, Graeco-Roman Fayum - Texts and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Third International Fayum Symposion, Freudenstadt, May 29 - June 1, 2007., (Wiesbaden 2008). [xml] [edit]