Original BP record
Index: 146 152
Titre: PIACENTINI Patrizia and Christian ORSENIGO (Edd.), Egyptian Archives. Proceedings
of the First Session of the International Congress Egyptian Archives / Egyptological
Archives. Milano, September 9-10, 2008. (Quaderni di Acme. 111.)
Publication: Milano, Cisalpino. Istituto Editoriale Universitario, 2009, 8°, 219 pp., figg., pll.
ISBN 978-88-323-6221-3. €20.
Résumé: 14 communications. - Pp. 9-12: P.P., Introduction; - 13-14: Maryvonne CHARTIER-RAYMOND,
Discours inaugural de la première session du congrès.
No: 2009-0371
20887. Patrizia Piacentini and Christian Orsenigo, Egyptian Archives. Proceedings of the First Session of the International Congress Egyptian Archives / Egyptological Archives. Milano, September 9-10, 2008., (Milano 2009). [xml] [edit]
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