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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 630 670 690
Index bis: 141.4 P. Yale Inv. 499; 908; 1237 verso; 1347; 1360 recto;1380
Titre: STEPHENS Susan A., An Epicrisis Return and other Documentary Fragments from the Yale Collection.
Publication: ZPE 96 (1993) pp. 221-226.
Résumé: 1. Inv. 1360 recto. An Epicrisis Return from Oxyrhynchus. AD 276-82? The back contains a Christian hymn [ed.: Susan A. STEPHENS, A Eulogy for Christian Martyrs?, BASP 22 (1985) pp. 333-348, 1 fig.] - 2. Inv. 499. Order for Payment. Provenance unknown, AD 400. - 3. Inv. 1347. Order to Arrest. Mermertha, III AD. - 4. Inv. 908. Receipt for Merismos. Fayum, 30 October AD 176. - 5. Inv. 1237. Lease of Fishery Tax. On the back of a register mentioning Sespha (Oxyrhynchite nome), AD 152? - 6. Inv. 1380. Oath for Acceptance of Guard Duty. Provenance unknown, AD 138-61.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15626-15631.
No: 1993-0696


63507. Susan A. Stephens, "An Epicrisis Return and other Documentary Fragments from the Yale Collection.," ZPE, 96 (1993), pp. 221-226. [xml] [edit]

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