Original BP record
Index: 141.4 364 Epistulae
Index bis: 141.4 P. Oxy. I, 159; 164; 165; 167; 171; 174; 176; 177; 179; 181; 182; 186; 189;
192; 201; 202; 204; 205; 206; 207 descr.
Titre: MONTSERRAT Dominic, Georgina FANTONI and Patrick ROBINSON, Varia Descripta Oxyrhynchita.
Publication: BASP 31 (1994) pp. 11-80 et pll. 1-18.
Résumé: 20 descripta from P. Oxy. I. A similar re-edition of descripta from P. Oxy. II-III
is in preparation. - Pp. 15-16: Concordance of previous republications of P. Oxy.
I descr. - 1. P. Oxy. I, 159. Order for payment, third century A.D. - 2. I, 164. Letter,
early third century A.D. - 3. I, 165. Letter to the agoranomi, 2 February A.D. 81.
- 4. I, 167. Syntaxis receipt, third century A.D. - 5. I, 171. Census return, A.D.
146/147. - 6. I, 174. Letter to the agoranomi, 4 November A.D. 88. - 7. I, 176. Idem,
18 October A.D. 99. - 8. I, 177. Letter requesting water-wheels, sixth/seventh century
A.D. - 9. I, 179. Letter, third century A.D. - 10. I, 181. Invitation to a wedding
feast, third century A.D. - 11. I, 182. Letter, mid-fourth century A.D. - 12. I, 186.
List of payments, mid-second century A.D. - 13. I, 189. Order for payment, late third
century A.D. - 14. I, 192. Loan agreement, A.D. 600 or 615. - 15. I, 201. Heading
of a contract, 27 September A.D. 593. - 16. I, 202. Receipt for a water-wheel, 8 October
A.D. 582. - 17. I, 204. Roster of symmachoi, seventh century A.D. - 18. I, 205. Tax
receipt, 15 February A.D. 535. - 19. I, 206. Loan receipt, 17 January A.D. 535. -
20. I, 207. Receipt for payment in wine, 19 October A.D. 590. - Indices.
S.B. & S.E.G.: S.B. XXII, 15349-15368.
No: 1994-0613
64221. Dominic Montserrat, Georgina Fantoni, and Patrick Robinson, "Varia Descripta Oxyrhynchita.," BASP, 31 (1994), pp. 11-80. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/basp/0599796.0031.001/13:3?page=root;rgn=full+text;size=100;view=pdf [xml] [edit]
Mentioned Texts
- P. Oxy. I 159
- P. Oxy. I 164
- P. Oxy. I 165
- P. Oxy. I 167
- P. Oxy. I 171
- P. Oxy. I 174
- P. Oxy. I 176
- P. Oxy. I 177
- P. Oxy. I 179
- P. Oxy. I 181
- P. Oxy. I 182
- P. Oxy. I 186
- P. Oxy. I 189
- P. Oxy. I 192
- P. Oxy. I 201
- P. Oxy. I 202
- P. Oxy. I 204
- P. Oxy. I 205
- P. Oxy. I 206
- P. Oxy. I 207
- SB XXII 15349
- SB XXII 15350
- SB XXII 15351
- SB XXII 15352
- SB XXII 15353
- SB XXII 15354
- SB XXII 15355
- SB XXII 15356
- SB XXII 15357
- SB XXII 15358
- SB XXII 15359
- SB XXII 15360
- SB XXII 15361
- SB XXII 15362
- SB XXII 15363
- SB XXII 15364
- SB XXII 15365
- SB XXII 15366
- SB XXII 15367
- SB XXII 15368
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