sign in

Original BP record

Index: 145.4 146 241 Arabia 620
Index bis: 145.4 P. Col. VI, 123 P. Gen. II, 103 P. Med. Inv. 69.06 P. Mich. XII, 629 P. Oxy. VII, 1020 + LXIV, 4435; LXV, 4481 P. Yadin I, 37
Titre: LEWIS Naphtali, Notationes legentis.
Publication: BASP 36 (1999) pp. 5-16.
Résumé: Ἐπὶ μέρους [P. Oxy. VII, 1020 + LXIV, 4435]. - P. Gen. II, 103: Whose Decision? - Making Egyptians into Romans [P. Col. VI, 123, p. 50]. - Carrying the δεῖγμα [P. Med. Inv. 69.06 [ed.: Gerardo CASANOVA, Δεῖγμα. Testimonianze del vocabolo, con un papiro inedito, Aegyptus 75 (1995) pp. 27-36, 1 pl.]]. - The Thirty-Day Postponement [P. Mich. XII, 629]. - How Παιδοποιία Affected Property Ownership [P. Oxy. LXV, 4481]. - A Matter of ACUity; or, Missing the Point [à propos de: Adam LUKASZEWICZ, Diviso acu. Was a Needle Used in Papyrus Manufacturing?, JJurP 27 (1997) pp. 61-65]. - Νέα Ἐπαρχεία Again [à propos de: Hannah M. COTTON, Ἡ νέα ἐπαρχεία Ἀραβία: The New Province of Arabia in the Papyri from the Judaean Desert, ZPE 116 (1997) pp. 204-208]. - P. Yadin I, 37: 1. The Nature of the Document; - 2. A Textual Note. - The Prytanis in the Fourth Century.
No: 1999-0451


68578. Naphtali Lewis, "Notationes legentis.," BASP, 36 (1999), pp. 5-16. [xml] [edit]

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