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Original BP record

Index: 145.4 241 Nome Panopolite Panopolis
Index bis: 145.4 C.P.R. XVIIB, 1-32 P. Achmîm 6; 7; 8; 9 P. Beatty Panop. P. Bodmer I recto ined. P. Bouriant 41a; 41b P. Monac. II, 34 P. Ryl. I, 1 recto
Titre: BAGNALL Roger S., Public Administration and the Documentation of Roman Panopolis.
Publication: Roger S. BAGNALL, Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. Sources and Approaches = Collected Studies Series. 864 (Aldershot, 2006) article XIX, pp. 1-14, 4 tabl.
Résumé: Reproduit de: A. EGBERTS, B.P. MUHS and J. VAN DER VLIET (Edd.), Perspectives on Panopolis: An Egyptian Town from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest. Acts from an International Symposium Held in Leiden on 16, 17 and 18 December 1998 = Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava. XXXI (Leiden, 2002) pp. 1-12, 4 tabl. - [This article has been re-set for reasons of format.]
No: 2006-0049


74771. Roger S. Bagnall, "Public Administration and the Documentation of Roman Panopolis." in Roger S. BAGNALL, Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. Sources and Approaches, Collected Studies Series. vol. 864 1-14. [xml] [edit]

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