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Original BP record

Index: 141.4 520
Index bis: 141.4 P. Fay. 240 descr. P. Mich. Inv. 3380
Titre: W. Graham Claytor, Rogue Notaries? Two Unusual Double Documents from the Late Ptolemaic Fayum.
Publication: JJurP 44 (2014) pp. 93-115, 2 figg.; - 199.
Résumé: 1. P. Fay. 240 descr. Loan of radish seed. Euhemeria, 30 August 74 (?) BC. - 2. P. Mich. Inv. 3380. Loan of money. Theadelphia, 22 December 71 (?) BC. - Pp. 113-115: Appendix. Registered grapheion contracts with missing or incomplete body contract. - Avec résumé en anglais.
No: 2014-0852


86668. W. Graham Claytor, "Rogue Notaries? Two Unusual Double Documents from the Late Ptolemaic Fayum.," JJurP, 44 (2014), pp. 93-115. [xml] [edit]

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