Original BP record
Index: 141.4 610
Index bis: 141.4 P. Köln VII, 313 + P. Monts. Roca Inv. 908 + P. Palau Ribes Inv. 172 a P. Palau
Ribes Inv. 172 c; 172 d
Titre: Alba de Frutos García & Sofía Torallas Tovar, New Fragments of the Amnesty Decree
of October 9, 186 BCE.
Publication: BASP 54 (2017) pp. 45-57, figg.
Résumé: P. Monts. Roca Inv. 908 fits the left hand side of col. 1 of P. Köln VII, 313 [= P.
Kroll]. P. Palau Ribes Inv. 172 c-d may belong to the same document. - 1. P. Monts.
Roca Inv. 908. Oxyrhynchos?, after 186 BCE. - 2. P. Palau Ribes Inv. 172 c. - 3. P.
Palau Ribes Inv. 172 d.
No: 2017-0190
95670. Alba de Frutos García and Sofía Torallas Tovar, "New fragments of the Amnesty Decree of October 9, 186 BCE," BASP, 54 (2017), pp. 45-57. [xml] [edit]
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