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Trismegistos 107782 = LDAB 107782 = michigan.apis.2495

APIS Translation (English)

(R i; Mich.) "An encomium which the holy Apa Gregory, the theologian and the bishop of Nazianzus, pronounced concerning the life of the great Basil, the bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, since he was his friend; he pronounced this encomium of this fellow-worker, this ... (Louv.) ... his death, on the one hand for praise of that just and great man on account of his virtues, on the other for a benefit to us as well, we who hear, and for a profit to our souls.;In the time when our blessed father, the great Basil, was with us in the body, he would set before us continually many subjects for us to speak about. For he would rejoice (R ii Mich.) over my words more than one would rejoice over his own words. And perhaps he did this in training us that he might give us his own self now as a great subject of discourse for us to ... (Louv.) For if one wishes to manifest his ability in speech, and afterwards it seems good to him to do this in looking to the measure, that is (if) he places a single single subject before himself from all the subjects, just like the painters who look to the pictures - I think that it is to this that he will direct, as it takes precedence over the others (V i; Mich.) and surpasses speech. Thus it is a great thing to speak of the honor of this man, not only for ourselves, who have made light of the honor of this man (sic), but also for the others whose life ... (V ii) Or in what shall I exalt the speech except through the honor of this man? For, as far as I am concerned, this is an obligation for me, if I can discharge it. But, as for the speech, the debt which ...."