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Trismegistos 129992 = LDAB 129992 = chicago.apis.35

APIS Translation (English)

P. O.I. 17637, recto: (1) The grace and glory...Lord of the.... (2) And they wrought before God innumeable evil in which there is no refuge from the might of the Lord of the .... (3) [And there] were among them those who received the gift of precious writing and th[ose who.... (4) And they re]ad His Book and were given.... (5) And they were given light from their Lord. [And s]ome... (6) the two paths [...some of] them... (7) increased their life ... and took pity [on them...] (8) to their houses and (their sorrow) turned to joy .... (9) They looked to Me for swift justice .... (10) They ate and drank and put on their adornment ... (11) their Creator, Who removed from them [their sorrow...]. (12) They deny their Lord's gifts [and they say not, ''Praise be to God, Who has guided us] (13) to this trough we were not such to be guided had not [God guided us...,''] (14) and We spared their lives, for they were be[lievers... and by reason of] (15) that the path was spared by the flood while (the) un[believers] perished ... (16) from their backs. And they de[parted...] (17) and impressed on th[eir heads...] P. O.I. 17637, verso: (1) ....for they wander away from Me. (Even) then the goodness of their Lord is persevering (2) [....And] their Lord humbled them, for they change the Book (3)...for they were given the Book so that they may be given wi[sdom]. (4) ...hoping (for something) from you and acknowledged the(ir) faults (5) ....They showed much enmity and deception and became base (6) .... (7) [....They] find it strange when he (Muhammad) says, ''Take them to task'' and (they do) not (8) ...or their hardness and they speak not. (9) [...He] will take them to task then, and they will not raise questions. (10) ...until they believe in that which they used to declare false (11) ...they will neither regain vanquished ones nor (12) (will they) ...their families. And their wealth is a wealth of corrup- (13) [tion...]. Among them are rich ones. Indeed, if they carry (14) [...Is]rael. They departed from it for the region of (15) [...sor]rowful. And they took their companions to task (16) ...their wailing. And their tears gushed forth.