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104 P. Yale 2 = Trismegistos 59039 = LDAB 134 = LDAB 4481 = michigan.apis.2517 = yale.apis.0011584200

APIS Translation (English)

(Latin) [- - -] when they were taken [- - -] how much harm [- - -] they don't comply (with her demands?).;(Greek) [When the] flax was sown, a swallow, [being clever, urged] the other birds to destroy [altogether] what would destroy them, by collecting [the seed]; but they failed to understand the advice of the swallow. Not long after, when the flax had been twisted into nets, the swallow transferred herself to the houses of man and built her nest just under his roof; and when the other birds were pressed tight (in the nets), they perceived [- - -]