DCLP transcription: 59081 [xml]
fragment 1 r -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1vac. 1 line
[ -ca.?- κ]α̣δδέκεται μέ(*)λαινα̣[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]ων ἀχέ(*)ων ἐπαύ(*)σθη[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣ ̣(*)ϊ̣δ̣αι ̣λεεοι ̣[ -ca.?- ]
vac. 1 line
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1vac. 1 line
[ -ca.?- ]ικω
[ -ca.?- ]ων
[ -ca.?- ].σο―
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- fragment 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1[ -ca.?- ]α̣ι̣σοεμα ̣σ̣θ ̣τερυ[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ]τ̣ονοημα
[ -ca.?- ]μ(*)εν ἀφικέ(*)τα[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ο̣υ̣σ̣ ̣ε[ -ca.?- ]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
^ 1.r.1.
μέλαινα̣ papyrus^ 1.r.2.
αχέων papyrus^ 1.r.2.
επαύσθη papyrus^ 1.r.3.
or α̣π̣ε̣^ 2.3.
μ̀εν papyrus^ 2.3.
αφικέτα papyrus
- 2022-05-25T08:38:13-04:00 [simoeis]: Finalized - Most of the requested changes were made. However, biblio references found
in MP3, with the exception of AfP 11 and the ed. pr., were not added.
- 2022-05-18T06:36:42-04:00 [simoeis]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - verso, l. 3: change overstroke to *filler(extension)*.
verso, 3.: delete the lenis after alpha and note in the commentary that there is a
dot over the alpha.
- 2022-05-04T06:51:00-04:00 [simoeis]: General - Meta: Biblio, change number from '6' to 'VI'. Add link to online resource:
Change display name to "Fragment of Aeolic Lyric (Alcaeus? Sappho?)". Delete legacy
data. Add 'lyric' to genre. Add Alcaeus to TLG Author. Add MP3 01899.000. Add geo
ids. The following bibl in MP3 could be added: Bibl.: fr. 27 (Inc. Auct.) Voigt; Galiano,
LG 100; Diehl, Anth. Lyr. 12.4.214; Lobel-Page, PLF 297 ("Incertum utrius auctoris
fragmenta"); Treu, Sappho 16; APF 11.245; Typ. 327
- 2022-02-25T06:43:09-05:00 [Areios]: Submit - Text added according to ed. pr. and (in the case of fr. 1 verso) the newest
edition of Neri (2021).
- 2022-02-25T06:31:39-05:00 [Areios]: Commit - Text added according to newest edition (Neri 2021)
- 2022-02-25T06:30:08-05:00 [Areios]: Commit - Text added
- 2022-05-25T08:38:12-04:00 [simoeis]: Finalized - Most of the requested changes were made. However, biblio references found
in MP3, with the exception of AfP 11 and the ed. pr., were not added.
- 2022-05-25T06:34:34-04:00 [simoeis]: Finalized - Most of the requested changes have been made. The exception is with the
biblio information. The artice in AfP 1911 has been added but other bibliographical
items found in MP3 have not.
- 2022-05-18T06:36:42-04:00 [simoeis]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - verso, l. 3: change overstroke to *filler(extension)*.
verso, 3.: delete the lenis after alpha and note in the commentary that there is a
dot over the alpha.
- 2022-05-18T06:36:42-04:00 [simoeis]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - verso, l. 3: change overstroke to *filler(extension)*.
verso, 3.: delete the lenis after alpha and note in the commentary that there is a
dot over the alpha.
- 2022-05-04T06:51:00-04:00 [simoeis]: General - Meta: Biblio, change number from '6' to 'VI'. Add link to online resource:
Change display name to "Fragment of Aeolic Lyric (Alcaeus? Sappho?)". Delete legacy
data. Add 'lyric' to genre. Add Alcaeus to TLG Author. Add MP3 01899.000. Add geo
ids. The following bibl in MP3 could be added: Bibl.: fr. 27 (Inc. Auct.) Voigt; Galiano,
LG 100; Diehl, Anth. Lyr. 12.4.214; Lobel-Page, PLF 297 ("Incertum utrius auctoris
fragmenta"); Treu, Sappho 16; APF 11.245; Typ. 327
- 2022-05-04T06:51:00-04:00 [simoeis]: General - Meta: Biblio, change number from '6' to 'VI'. Add link to online resource:
Change display name to "Fragment of Aeolic Lyric (Alcaeus? Sappho?)". Delete legacy
data. Add 'lyric' to genre. Add Alcaeus to TLG Author. Add MP3 01899.000. Add geo
ids. The following bibl in MP3 could be added: Bibl.: fr. 27 (Inc. Auct.) Voigt; Galiano,
LG 100; Diehl, Anth. Lyr. 12.4.214; Lobel-Page, PLF 297 ("Incertum utrius auctoris
fragmenta"); Treu, Sappho 16; APF 11.245; Typ. 327
- 2022-02-25T06:43:09-05:00 [Areios]: Submit - Text added according to ed. pr. and (in the case of fr. 1 verso) the newest
edition of Neri (2021).
- 2022-02-25T06:43:09-05:00 [Areios]: Submit - Text added according to ed. pr. and (in the case of fr. 1 verso) the newest
edition of Neri (2021).
- 2022-02-25T06:31:39-05:00 [Areios]: Commit - Text added according to newest edition (Neri 2021)
- 2022-02-25T06:31:39-05:00 [Areios]: Commit - Text added according to newest edition (Neri 2021)
- 2022-02-25T06:30:08-05:00 [Areios]: Commit - Text added
- 2022-02-25T06:30:08-05:00 [Areios]: Commit - Text added
- 2014-12-10 [DCLP]: Crosswalked to EpiDoc XML
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.