Trismegistos 59325 = LDAB 423
DCLP/LDAB Data [xml]
Title | P. Oxy. 36 2746 |
Works |
Principal Edition | P.Oxy. 36 2746 |
study |
Reference Edition | 9699. Richard Kannicht and Bruno Snell, Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (TrGF). Vol. 2. Fragmenta Adespota. Testimonia volumini 1 addenda. Indices ad volumina 1 et 2., (Göttingen 1981). 649 221-223 |
Previous Edition | 46839. Revel A. Coles, "A New Fragment of Post Classical Tragedy from Oxyrhynchus.," BICS, 15 (1968), pp. 110-118. |
Catalog(s) | MP3 00171.100 |
Fragments | Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms P. Oxy. 2746 |
Support Material | papyrus |
Date | Ende I - Anfang II |
Origin | Fundort: Oxyrhynchos (Oxyrhynchites, Egypt) - 1903; Schreibort: Egypt |
Form and Layout | papyrus roll (columns: 1, pagination: 0) |
Genre | poetry; tragedy |
Culture | literature |
Religion | classical |
Images | |
Print Illustrations | BICS 15, pl.XII |
Availability | © Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License . |
Trismegistos: 59325 [source]
Publications | P. Oxy. 36 2746 (1970) = Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (BICS) 15 (1968), p. 110-118 (1968) = Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta (TrGF) 2 649 (1981) = Gammacurta, Papyrologica scaenica (Hellenica 20) 12 (p. 121-130) (2006) = Kotlinska-Toma, Hellenistic tragedy p. 195-198 (2015) |
Inv. no. | Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms P. Oxy. 2746 |
Date | AD 50 - 150 |
Language | Greek |
Provenance | Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa)[found]; Egypt, U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa)[written] |
Linked Data
RDF/XML | Turtle | N-Triples | JSON | Graph Visualization