DCLP transcription: 59605 [xml]
fragment rImaged 2011 by [unidentified responsible individual] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1[ἐν τῇ πρ]έ̣σβειᾳ [καὶ ἀ-]
[πεστέρη]μαι κα[ὶ τῶν ἰ-]
[δίων φι]λ̣[ο]τιμ[ιῶν διὰ]
[τὴν τούτ]ων [δωροδο-]
5[κίαν πρὸς ὅλην δυσ-]
[χερῶς ὑμῶν τὴν πρεσ-]
[βεί]αν [ἐσχηκότων. κα-]
[τηγορ]ῶ δ[ὲ νυνὶ καὶ]
[ἐπὶ τὰς] εὐ̣[θύνας ἥκω]
10[τὸ] μ̣έλ̣[λον -ca.?- ]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
- 2021-02-25T09:54:38-05:00 [Mike%20Sampson]: Finalized - This is good to go.
- 2021-02-25T09:54:37-05:00 [Mike%20Sampson]: Finalized - This is good to go.
- 2021-02-25T08:53:58-05:00 [Mike%20Sampson]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - TEXT: l.6 >> τὴν; dot alpha in l.7; add [.?]
to end of l.10. META: in biblio 14433, this is #178 (remove page numbers); add 54911
as a previous edition and 18759 pp.55-56 as a study; passage data is chapter 223;
mp3 is 00296.200; Hermopolis is (https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/756574) and Hermopolites
is (https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/756575); two fragments with dimensions of 2.2
x 2 cm and 2 x 1.3 cm (h x w); title should be something like ‘Two small fragments
of Demosthenes’
- 2021-02-25T08:53:58-05:00 [Mike%20Sampson]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - TEXT: l.6 >> τὴν; dot alpha in l.7; add [.?]
to end of l.10. META: in biblio 14433, this is #178 (remove page numbers); add 54911
as a previous edition and 18759 pp.55-56 as a study; passage data is chapter 223;
mp3 is 00296.200; Hermopolis is (https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/756574) and Hermopolites
is (https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/756575); two fragments with dimensions of 2.2
x 2 cm and 2 x 1.3 cm (h x w); title should be something like ‘Two small fragments
of Demosthenes’
- 2021-01-16T08:55:40-05:00 [OliverD.]: Submit - In order to prevent a Leiden+ error, I added the subtype "fragment" to recto.
Please remove subtype="fragment" in the XML <div> tags after you are done revising
the transcription.
- 2021-01-16T08:55:40-05:00 [OliverD.]: Submit - In order to prevent a Leiden+ error, I added the subtype "fragment" to recto.
Please remove subtype="fragment" in the XML <div> tags after you are done revising
the transcription.
- 2014-12-10 [DCLP]: Crosswalked to EpiDoc XML
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.