Trismegistos 61699 = LDAB 2851
DCLP/LDAB Data [xml]
Title | TM 61699 |
Work | Testamentum Novum, Lucas (Greek), Acta Apostolorum |
Content | New Testament, Lucas; Acta apostolorum 2.30-37 + 2.46 - 3.2 |
Fragments | Sydney, Macquarie University 360; Milan, Università Statale 1224 |
Support Material | papyrus |
Date | 200 - 299 |
Origin | Found: Egypt; written: Egypt |
Form and Layout | papyrus codex (columns: 1, pagination: 0) |
Script Type | Alexandrian stylistic class, bimodular |
Genre | prose; bible |
Culture | literature |
Religion | christian |
Images | |
Print Illustrations | G.H.R.Horsley, Four early biblical codex fragments in Australia (1994), pl.3-4; ZPE 65, pl.1; Jaroš, Das Neue Testament (cd-ROM), 2.34; T.J. Kraus – T. Nicklas (edd.), Early Christian Manuscripts, Texts and editions for New Testament Study 5, p. 129 |
Availability | © Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. |
Trismegistos: 61699 [source]
Publications | Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP) 19 (1982), p. 39-45 (1982) = ZPE 65 (1986), p. 76-78 (1986) = Comfort / Barrett, The complete text of the earliest New Testament manuscripts p. 612-613 (1999) = Jaroš, Das Neue Testament nach den ältesten griechischen Handschriften (CD-Rom) 2.34 (p. 4029-4040) (2006) = Kraus / Nicklas (ed.), Early Christian manuscripts (Texts and editions for New Testament study 5) p. 129-136 (2010) |
Inv. no. | Sydney, Macquarie University 360; Milan, Università Statale 1224 |
Date | AD 200 - 299 (cf. Clarysse / Orsini, Eph. Theol. Lov. 88 (2012), p. 471) |
Language | Greek |
Provenance | Egypt[found & written] |
Linked Data
RDF/XML | Turtle | N-Triples | JSON | Graph Visualization