1 P. Beatty 1 = Trismegistos 61826 = LDAB 2980
DCLP/LDAB Data [xml]
Title | P. Beatty. 1 1 |
Works |
Content | New Testament, Mattheus, Johannes evang., Lucas, Marcus; gospel Mt 20-26; Joh 4-11 passim; Lc 6-14 passim; Mc 4-12 passim; Acta Apostolorum 4-17 passim |
Principal Edition | P.Beatty 1 1 |
Fragments | Dublin, Chester Beatty Library P. Bibl. 1; Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 31974 |
Support Material | papyrus |
Date | 200 - 250 |
Origin | Found: Egypt; written: Egypt |
Form and Layout | papyrus codex (31 foll.) (columns: 1, written lines: 36-37, pagination: 199) |
Script Type | severe style, sloping |
Genre | prose; bible; gospel |
Culture | literature |
Religion | christian |
Images | bsw.org/.../Carta; csntm.org/.../GA_P45 |
Print Illustrations | F.G.Kenyon, Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri II (1933); W.H.P. Hatch, The principal uncial manuscripts of the New Testament, Chicago 1939, pl. 24; Comfort, Encountering the manuscripts, 2005, p. 178; G. Cavallo, Ricerche sulla maiuscola biblica (1967), pl.107a; R.Seider, Paläogr. griech. Papyri II.2, pl.XXI.43; J.Henner, H.Förster, U.Horak, Christliches mit Feder und Faden, Nilus 3 (1999), p.2 no.5; Comfort-Barrett, p.146; C. Gastgeber, Kopie und Fälschung, Graz 2001, p. 69; J. Schefzyk, Alles Echt. Älteste Belege zur Bibel aus Ägypten, 2006, p. 86 no. 2; Segno e Testo 3 (2005), pl. 21; L.M. Hurtado, The earliest christian artifacts (2006), pl. 2; C. Horton (ed.), The earliest gospels. The origins and transmission of the earliest christian gospels, plate in front of the book; MPER 29, pl. 2; Jaroš, Das Neue Testament, 2.3; Francesco d’Aiuto, Giovanni Morello, Ambrogio Piazzoni, I vangeli dei popoli, Bibl. Apost. Vat. 2000, p. 119-121 [colour]; Biblica 82 (2001), p. 17 M.P. Brown, In the beginning. Bibles before the year 1000, 2006, p. 124 [colour] |
Availability | © Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. |
Trismegistos: 61826 [source]
Publications | P. Beatty 1 1 (1933) = Aegyptus 13 (1933), p. 67-73 (1933) = Hermathena 150 (1991), p. 21-25 (1991) = Comfort / Barrett, The complete text of the earliest New Testament manuscripts p. 145-191 (1999) = MPER N.S. 29 2 (2008) = Jaroš, Das Neue Testament nach den ältesten griechischen Handschriften (CD-Rom) 2.3 (p. 3001-3722) (2006) = Min, Die früheste Überlieferung des Matthäusevangeliums p. 111-152 (2005) |
Inv. no. | Dublin, Chester Beatty Library P. Bibl. 1; Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 31974 |
Date | AD 200 - 250 (cf. Clarysse / Orsini, Eph. Theol. Lov. 88 (2012), p. 470) |
Language | Greek |
Provenance | Egypt[found & written] |
Linked Data
RDF/XML | Turtle | N-Triples | JSON | Graph Visualization