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Trismegistos 61973 = LDAB 3132 = chicago.apis.252

APIS Translation (English)

O. MedinHabuGreek 1269, recto: (1) [In your stre]n[gth the king rejoices, O Lord,] (2) and in your [help how he exults] (3) exceedingly! The [desi]re (4) [of his soul] you have given to him, and the (5) [request] of his lips you do not withhold. (6) For [you] meet him (7) with rich [blessings. Selah.] (8) You set on [hi]s hea[d] (9) a crown of [precious] stone. (10) He asked you for life a[nd (11) you gave] to him length (12) of days [forever] and (13) [ever. Amen.]