DCLP transcription: 62505 [xml]
fragment FUnrolled 1781-1806 by [unidentified responsible individual] Sketched 1781-1806 by Giovanni Battista Malesci [- ca.4 -]οεισ ̣[- ca.4 -Νέ-]
[με]σιν τ’ ὁ τὰ Κύ[πρια]
[γ]ράψας ὁμοιωθέ[ν-]
[τ]α χηνὶ κν(*) αὐτ[ὸν]
5δ̣ιώκειν, καὶ μιγό(*)ν-
[τα]ς ὠι̣ὸ̣ν τεκεῖν
[ἐξ] οὗ εἰ(*)νέσθαι τὴν
[Ἑλ]ένην. ὡς δθ(*)
[Λή]δας ἐ̣ρασθεὶo(*) [ἐ-]
10[γ]έ̣νετο κύκνος̣,
[Εὐ]ρώπης δὲ ταῦ-
[ρος], Λαμίας δὲ ἔ-
[πο]ψ, Δανάης δθ(*) φ(*)[υ-]
[σὸ]ς̣ καὶ πατ(*)’ Ἀπολ̣[λω-]
15[νίδηι] κδ(*)ὶ πδ(*)ρ’ Εὐ[ρι-]
[πίδ]η[ι] λέτ(*)ετ[αι]. [- ca.3 -]
[- ca.2 -]νπαρ̣[- ca.5 -]
^ F.4.
l. αὶ (corr)^ F.5.
l. έν (corr)^ F.7.
l. γε (corr)^ F.8.
l. ὲ (corr)^ F.9.
l. ς (corr)^ F.13.
l. ὲ (corr)^ F.13.
l. χρ (corr)^ F.14.
l. ρ (corr)^ F.15.
l. α (corr)^ F.16.
l. γ (corr)
- 2020-06-23T08:29:16-04:00 [Holger%20Essler]: Finalized - Revised text and metadata.
- 2020-06-23T08:29:16-04:00 [Holger%20Essler]: Finalized - Revised text and metadata.
- 2020-06-23T07:42:49-04:00 [Holger%20Essler]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Line divisions of original/apograph, add
first and last line.
- 2020-06-23T07:42:49-04:00 [Holger%20Essler]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Line divisions of original/apograph, add
first and last line.
- 2020-06-21T14:54:51-04:00 [MaxLee]: Submit - Text: please look at the way I showed Obbink's correction of the apograph
by G.B. Malesci.I followed Holger's suggestions. I looked at the original apograph
and typed out what the apograph had down as the original text and then corrected it
with Obbink's conjectured/revised published text. Translation: I did not know how
to have a line break for the note on the translation so please reformat this and let
me know how to insert a line break in Leiden+ Thanks, Max
- 2020-06-21T14:54:51-04:00 [MaxLee]: Submit - Text: please look at the way I showed Obbink's correction of the apograph
by G.B. Malesci.I followed Holger's suggestions. I looked at the original apograph
and typed out what the apograph had down as the original text and then corrected it
with Obbink's conjectured/revised published text. Translation: I did not know how
to have a line break for the note on the translation so please reformat this and let
me know how to insert a line break in Leiden+ Thanks, Max
- 2020-06-19T09:34:18-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - added location to meta data from pleiades canonical URI
- 2020-06-19T09:34:18-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - added location to meta data from pleiades canonical URI
- 2020-06-18T23:31:10-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - I'm stuck again; the editions are not showing up in the preview and I don't
know why. The TM numbers are correct
- 2020-06-18T23:31:10-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - I'm stuck again; the editions are not showing up in the preview and I don't
know why. The TM numbers are correct
- 2020-06-18T23:29:27-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - I cannot figure out how to put underlines for certain letters; I'm stuck
- 2020-06-18T23:29:27-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - I cannot figure out how to put underlines for certain letters; I'm stuck
- 2020-06-18T23:29:27-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - I cannot figure out how to put underlines for certain letters; I'm stuck
- 2020-06-18T23:29:27-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - I cannot figure out how to put underlines for certain letters; I'm stuck
- 2020-06-18T22:28:51-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - added to the bibliography the principal edition and made comments on the
reconstructed text by Obbink in the General Notes
- 2020-06-18T22:28:51-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - added to the bibliography the principal edition and made comments on the
reconstructed text by Obbink in the General Notes
- 2020-06-12T10:25:29-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - I cleaned up the text and fixed the errors and broken Leiden errors
- 2020-06-12T10:25:29-04:00 [MaxLee]: Commit - I cleaned up the text and fixed the errors and broken Leiden errors
- 2014-03-06 [papyri.info]: Crosswalked to EpiDoc XML
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
HGV 62505 Translation (English)
1 The author of the Cypria writes that having turned himself into the likeness of a
goose he (i.e. Zeus) also pursued Nemesis, 5 and that after they had had intercourse, they produced an egg, from which was hatched
Helen. When he became enamored of Leda, he became a swan, 10 and of Europa, a bull, and of Lamia, a hoopoe, and of Danae, gold. And both in Apollonides 15 and in Euripides it [this story] is told.