This is a preliminary edition by S. Ammirati produced in the context of the ERC project REDHIS (Adv.Gr. nr. 341102, P.I. D. Mantovani). The full edition with commentaries and apparatus will appear in the forthcoming Corpus of Latin and Greek juristic papyri edited by Dario Mantovani, Serena Ammirati, Marco Fressura, Luigi Pellecchi. In the spirit of amicitia papyrologorum and in respect of intellectual property rights REDHIS asks that the preliminary editions of REDHIS are not used to produce new editions that anticipate the printed Corpus. Suggestions and remarks communicated to the REDHIS staff and leading to an improvement of the texts will be most welcome and fully acknowledged: please contact D. Mantovani (
DCLP transcription: 63036 [xml]
fragment i
side hair
column i
[ -ca.?- ]c̣ius
[ -ca.?- ]berị ((boundary-mark)) \›?/ column ii
extraneo[ -ca.?- ]
berem[ ̣]et[ -ca.?- ] side flesh
column i
[ -ca.?- heredit]atis parte(m)
[ -ca.?- ]v ̣ ̣ sex uncias column ii
plos ̣[ -ca.?- du](*)-
plos[ -ca.?- ] fragment ii
side hair
marginalia left
› column i
item si b(onorum) p(ossessor) velit excipere quid d[i-]
cemus (?) et forsitan h(eredit)as q(uo)q(ue) cọ[ ̣]
c ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣( )[ -ca.?- ] side flesh
[pet]itione h(eredita)t⟦i⟧s ant⟦e petitione⟧ exc(eptionem (?))
[h]anc adito; si b(ona) q(uae) i(n) T(itio) ⟦m⟧ c(ausa-(?)) m(al-) f(id-)
[ -ca.?- - ca.9 -]( )[- ca.5 -] ̣( ) ̣( ) ̣( ) ̣( ) ̣( ) PVindob
side hair
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ formulam ex s ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- auc]ṭoritatis s(enatus)c(onsultus) Apr(oniani)[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] ̣l ̣ intellegere ̣[ -ca.?- ] side flesh
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣tuta(*) m(a)g(is) ergo[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ Pegasiano tra[ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] ex Trebellian[o -ca.?- ]
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