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Trismegistos 63071 = LDAB 4274


Medical treatise. The papyrus fragment (14 x 9 cm) belongs to a roll. On the recto, it contains 18 lines of a column whose upper and right margins are entirely preserved; scanty traces of a second column are visible on the right-hand side. The verso was reused for the copy of a tax list. The medical content deals with the treatment of constipation; the author is unknown, but the employed terminology (πυκνοσύνκριτον, σύγκρισις, μετασυγκριτικός) shows some correspondence with the vocabulary of the Methodic school. The manuscript is written in an elegant book hand dated to the 1st c. AD.

(This papyrus has been digitally edited by Francesca Corazza as part of the Project "DIGMEDTEXT - Online Humanities Scholarship: A Digital Medical Library based on Ancient Texts" (ERC-AdG-2013, Grant Agreement no. 339828) funded by the European Research Council at the University of Parma (Principal Investigator: Prof. Isabella Andorlini). The digital edition is mostly based on the previous editions ( = K. Kalbfleisch, "Papyri Graecae Musei Britannici et Musei Berolinensis", pp. 8-9; ed.alt. = K. Kalbfleisch, BKT III pp. 19-21 r).)

DCLP transcription: 63071 [xml]

[  ̣]οιτο ἡ τῶν παρακειμένων σκυβάλων ἔκ - ((coronis))
[κρι]σις, βραχὺ διαστήσαντες, ἕ̣ω̣[ς] οὗ οτη̣(*) ἀπὸ τῆς
[τῆς] χ̣ρίσεως ἀποκαταστῆι τα[ρ]αχῆ[ς, δ]ι' ἐλαίου
[π]λείονος ἀποθεραπεύσομεν τὸ σω̣μάτιον
5[καὶ] τροφὴν τὴν ἀκόλουθον προσοίσομεν· εἰ δὲ
[ἤτ]οι διὰ τὸ πυκνοσ̣ύ̣νκ̣ρ̣ι̣τον τῶν καμνόν - ((coronis))
[τω]ν̣ ἢ δι' ἄλλην αἰτίαν μὴ γένοιτο σύνμετρος
[κο]μ̣ιδὴ [τῶ]ν παρακ[ε]ιμένων, ἢ αὐτίκα πά̣λ̣ιν
[αἰο]νήσ̣[ομεν] πρὸ τῆς ἀποθεραπείας κα(*)ὶ τὴς
10[παρ]αθέσεως τ[ῶ]ν σειτίων ἤ, εἰ στενοχωροίμε-
[θα π]ερὶ τὴν εὐκαιρίαν, τ̣ῆς ἑ̣ξῆς. δηγμοῦ δὲ πα-
[ρακ]ολο[υθο]ῦντ[ος] διὰ τὴν ποιότητα τῶν ὑγρῶν,
[τὸ μὲν πρ]ῶτ[ον] μ̣α̣λ̣α̣κ̣ῶν σπόγγων ἀτμί[δ]ι
[χρη]σόμ̣[ε]θ̣α̣, [τῶι π]άσχο̣ν̣τ̣ι̣ ἐ̣κ̣ τούτου στ̣ε̣ρ̣έ̣μ̣[νια]
15[παρα]τ̣ιθέντες, τ[ὸ] δὲ δ̣ε̣ύτε̣[ρ]ο̣[ν] καὶ ἐνκαθί[σ]μα-
[σιν] ἐν τῇ ἀποθεραπείᾳ· εἰ δὲ μεδ' οὕτως πα-
[ραλύ]οιντο ο̣ἱ̣ δ̣η̣γ̣μ̣ο̣ί̣, δ̣[ύο ἢ] καὶ τρεῖς κυάθους
[τοῦ λ]ιπαροῦ θε[ίου - ca.14 -]νου(*) ((coronis))
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ r.2. or οτν̣
^ r.9. κάι papyrus
^ r.18. or [λειώσαντες δι' οἴ]νου

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


  • 6.

    πυκνοσύνκριτον is hapax legomenon.

  • 8.

    Cf. Orib. V 547.10; II 207.259,6.

  • 13.

    Cf. Hipp. II 270 Littré; Gal. XV 518ff. K.

  • 14.

    Cf. Sor. I 116, p. 289.4f.

  • 18.

    Cf. Dsc. V 123; Gal. VII 600.11; XII 88.4.