This papyrus has been digitally edited by Tommaso Fantin and revised by Holger Essler as part of the teaching in papyrology at Ca' Foscari, Venice.
DCLP transcription: 63686 [xml]
ο[ -ca.?- ]
κ (hand 2) α[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) σ (hand 2) τ[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) μ (hand 2) ετ[ -ca.?- ]
5(hand 1) τ (hand 2) η[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) φ (hand 2) αι[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) τ (hand 2) η[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) κ [ -ca.?- ]
κ (hand 2) α[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) σ (hand 2) τ[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) μ (hand 2) ετ[ -ca.?- ]
5(hand 1) τ (hand 2) η[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) φ (hand 2) αι[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) τ (hand 2) η[ -ca.?- ]
(hand 1) κ [ -ca.?- ]
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