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P. Tebt. 2 276 = Trismegistos 63790 = LDAB 5003 = berkeley.apis.295

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APIS Translation (English)

If in addition Mercury is in conjunction, and Saturn is irregularly situated, � from an unfavorable position; if at the same time Mars is in opposition to Saturn, the aforesaid position being maintained (he will destroy?) profits of transactions. Saturn in triangular relation to Mars signifies (bad) fortune. Jupiter in triangular relation to Mars or in conjunction makes great kingdoms and empires. Venus in conjunction with Mars causes fornications and adulteries; if in addition Mercury is in conjunction with them, they in consequence make scandals and lusts. If Mercury is in conjunction with Jupiter or appears in triangular relation, this causes favorable actions of commerce, or a man will gain his living by � or by reason, and � If Mars appear in triangular relation to Jupiter and Saturn, this causes great happiness, and he will make acquisitions and � If while Jupiter and Saturn are in this position Mars comes into conjunction with either, � after obtaining (wealth) and collecting a fortune he will spend and lose it. If Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus are in conjunction, they cause glories and empires and great prosperity; and if the conjunction takes place at the morning rising (of Venus), they cause prosperity from youth upwards.