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Trismegistos 63850 = LDAB 5064 = michigan.apis.1680

DCLP transcription: 63850 [xml]

(added at left: ͻ) (hand 2) συνάγεται τὸ̣ ε̣ἰ̣ τ̣ὸ̣ α το β ὁ μεθο[δικὸς συνά-]
γει τὸ οὐ τὸ α̣
(added at left: ͻ) (hand 1) εἰ οὐκ’ εἰ τὸ α τὸ β [οὐδαμῶς]
τὸ β ἤτοι οὐκ εἰ τ[ὸ α]
5οὐκ ἄρα τὸ α :
(added at left: unintelligible) ε̣ἰ̣ οὐχὶ \οὐ/ οὔτ’ εἰ τὸ α τὸ β ο[ὐτ’ εἰ μὴ]
τὸ α τὸ β̆ ἤτοι οὐκ ε̣[ἰ τὸ α]
τὸ β ἢ εἰ μὴ τὸ α τὸ [β]
(added at left: ͻ) [ε]ἰ τὸ α καὶ τὸ β̈ οὐ\χὶ/(*) [ἤτοι τὸ α]
10μὲν οὐ τὸ β δὲ ἤτοι [οὔτε τὸ α οὔτε]
((parens-deletion-opening)) τὸ β ἢ οὐχὶ τὸ α μὲν [τὸ β]
δὲ οὐκ ἄρα τὸ̣ α̣
εἰ μὴ ἤτοι τὸ α ἢ τὸ β ἢ̣ [οὐ τὸ α]
ἢ οὐ τὸ β ἢ τ̣ὸ̣ [γ] ο̣ὐ̣κ̣ ἤτο[ι τὸ α]
15ἢ τὸ β ἢ ο̣[ὐχὶ τὸ] α ἢ οὐ[χὶ τὸ β]
οὐκ ἄρα τ̣ὸ α
ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ   ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
καὶ ὅτι τὸ δ̣ μὲ̣[ν ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
ἤτοι \εἰ/(*) τὸ α τὸ β [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
20ἤ̣τ̣οι εἰ τὸ δ τὸ [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ 3. ουκ’ papyrus
^ 9. corr. ex ουκαρ
^ 19. corr. ex ου

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

[If there is a datum 'Not if the first the second' and] an inference 'If the first the second', the Methodic infers 'Not the first'.;If not if the first the second, [not in any case] the second or not the [first]. Therefore not the first.;If it is not the case that both not if the first the second and not [if not] the first the second, then either not if [the first] the second or if not the first the [second].;If the-first-and-the-second, then not [either the-first]-but-not-the-second or [neither-the-first-nor]-the-second or not-the-first-but-[the-second]. Therefore not the first.;If not either the first or the second or [not the first] or nor the second or the [third], then not either [the first] or the second or not the first or not [the second]. Therefore not the first.;Similarly [- - -] and that the fourth [- - -];Either if the first the second [- - -] or if the fourth or the [- - -]