DCLP transcription: 63870 [xml]
ἐκλυόμεθα ἐὰ-
ν μὴ καταψήξῃς(*)
ἡμᾶς ἐν βαυκαλί-
ῳ ψυχρῷ ἀπὸ δρόσσ-
5ον(*) οὗ παυόμεθα
^ 2.
l. καταψύξῃς^ 4-5.
l. δρόσου
- 2017-05-30T11:22:44+02:00 [RodneyAst]: Finalized - The text was entered by participants of Dr. Julia Lougovaya’s Webinar
on Greek Literary Ostraka, which was offered as part of Heidelberg’s "Webinars in
Specialized Disciplines” initiative, sponsored by MWK-Baden Wuerttemberg.
- 2017-05-29T16:38:54+02:00 [JuliaLougovaya-Ast]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Looks good.
- 2017-05-25T15:53:24+02:00 [FedericaMicucci]: Submit - Lit. Ostraca Webinar
- 2014-12-10 [DCLP]: Crosswalked to EpiDoc XML
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.