DCLP transcription: 63972 [xml]
column 1 γυ(ναῖκες) vac. 8 γυ(νή) vac. 5 γυ(νή) vac. 6 ἀνήρ’ vac. 6 ἀνήρ’
Ἀρχοντίδες Χρυσίς Ἰσιδωρᾶς(*) Ἐλπίδας Χρυσερα̣[ ̣](*)
^ 1.1.
ανηρ’ papyrus^ 1.2.
or Ἰσιδώρας (i.e. Ἰσιδώρα)^ 1.2.
or Χρυσερᾶ[ς]
- 2019-10-31T07:26:36-04:00 [Holger%20Essler]: Finalized - Text corrected as specified in voting.
- 2019-10-31T07:26:36-04:00 [Holger%20Essler]: Finalized - Text corrected as specified in voting.
- 2019-10-31T06:42:41-04:00 [Holger%20Essler]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - L. 1 no gap, but vac, put ancient apostroph
directly in the text; L. 2 no gaps between the names, last correction already in ed.
- 2019-10-31T06:42:41-04:00 [Holger%20Essler]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - L. 1 no gap, but vac, put ancient apostroph
directly in the text; L. 2 no gaps between the names, last correction already in ed.
- 2014-12-10 [DCLP]: Crosswalked to EpiDoc XML
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.