DCLP transcription: 64281 [xml]
ᾧ μὴ δέδωκεν ἡ τύ-
χη κοιμωμένῳ//
μάτην δραμῖται(*) κἂν
ὑπὲρ Λάδαν δράμῃ
5(hand 2) ᾧ μὴ δέδωκεν ἡ τύχη
κοιμωμένῳ// μάτη-
ν δραμῖται(*) κἂν ὑπὲρ Λά-
δαν δράμῃ ᾧ μὴ δέδω-
κεν ἡ τύχη κοιμωμέν-
10ῳ// μάτην δραμῖται(*) κἂ-
ν ὑπὲρ Λάδαν δράμῃ
ᾧ μὴ δέδωκεν ἡ τύ-
χη κοιμωμένῳ// μά-
την δραμῖται(*) κἂν ὑπ-
15ὲρ Λάδαν δράμῃ ᾧ
μὴ δέδωκεν ἡ τύ-
χη κοιμένῳ(*)// μ
^ 3.
l. δραμεῖται^ 7.
l. δραμεῖται^ 10.
l. δραμεῖται^ 14.
l. δραμεῖται^ 17.
l. κοιμωμένῳ
- 2020-06-06T02:20:26-04:00 [simoeis]: Finalized - Ready
- 2020-06-06T02:20:24-04:00 [simoeis]: Finalized - Ready
- 2020-06-06T02:11:04-04:00 [simoeis]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Text: l. 4,8,11,15 --> δράμῃ. Metadata. Revise
display name and delete Legacy Display Name. Add Epigrammata exhortatoria et supplicatoria
{7052.004} to TLG Author Work. Change book form to "tablet" and "layout" to "wood
tablet;" add 'cm' to both width and height.
- 2020-06-06T02:11:04-04:00 [simoeis]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Text: l. 4,8,11,15 --> δράμῃ. Metadata. Revise
display name and delete Legacy Display Name. Add Epigrammata exhortatoria et supplicatoria
{7052.004} to TLG Author Work. Change book form to "tablet" and "layout" to "wood
tablet;" add 'cm' to both width and height.
- 2020-06-04T01:58:12-04:00 [Gr%C3%A9taK%C3%A1das]: Submit - I have added other editios to the metadata and corrected the text as indicated
during the Papyrology Webinar, SS2020.
- 2020-06-04T01:58:12-04:00 [Gr%C3%A9taK%C3%A1das]: Submit - I have added other editios to the metadata and corrected the text as indicated
during the Papyrology Webinar, SS2020.
- 2020-05-29T10:30:24-04:00 [simoeis]: Vote - Return-Straight-to-Sender - Please edit and resubmit.
- 2020-05-29T10:30:24-04:00 [simoeis]: Vote - Return-Straight-to-Sender - Please edit and resubmit.
- 2020-05-22T10:42:59-04:00 [Gr%C3%A9taK%C3%A1das]: Submit - I entered the text and metadata from the printed edition during the Digital
Papyrology Webinar, SS2020.
- 2020-05-22T10:42:59-04:00 [Gr%C3%A9taK%C3%A1das]: Submit - I entered the text and metadata from the printed edition during the Digital
Papyrology Webinar, SS2020.
- 2020-05-22T06:49:56-04:00 [Gr%C3%A9taK%C3%A1das]: General -
- 2020-05-22T06:49:56-04:00 [Gr%C3%A9taK%C3%A1das]: General -
- 2014-12-10 [DCLP]: Crosswalked to EpiDoc XML
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.