sign in

Trismegistos 64891 = LDAB 6130 = michigan.apis.1737

DCLP transcription: 64891 [xml]

side outer

column i
τὸ 𐅵´ ἐν ψήφων
τῆς μιᾶς τὸ 𐅵̣´, 𐅵´
τῶν β, α
τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ γ, α 𐅵´
5τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ δ, β
τ̣ῶ̣ν ε, β 𐅵´
τῶν ϛ, γ
τῶν ζ̣, γ 𐅵̣´
τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ η̣, δ
10τῶν θ, δ 𐅵´
τῶν ι̣, ε
τῶ̣ν̣ κ̣, ι
τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ λ̣, ιε
column ii
τῶν μ, κ
τῶν ν, κε
τῶν ξ, λ
τῶν ο, λε
5τῶν π, μ
τῶν ϙ, με
τῶν ρ, ν
τῶν̣ σ̣, ρ
τῶ̣ν̣ τ̣, ρ̣ν
10τῶν υ, σ
τῶν φ, σν
τῶν χ, τ
τῶν ψ, τν
τῶν̣ ω̣, υ̣
15τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ Ϡ̣, υ̣ν̣
τῶν̣ Α̣, φ
τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ Β, Α̣
column iii
τῶν Γ, Αφ
τ̣ῶ̣ν̣ Δ, Β
τῶν Ε, Βφ
τῶν Ϛ, Γ
5τῶν Ζ, Γ̣φ
τῶν Η, Δ̣
τῶν Θ̣, Δ̣φ̣
τῶν (μυριὰς) α̣, Ε
10ἅπαξ α̣, α
β α, β
β β, δ̣
β γ̣, ϛ̣
column iiia
β δ, η
[δ] β̣, η̣
column iv
β ε, ι
ε β, ι
β̣ ϛ̣, ιβ
ϛ̣ β̣, ιβ
5β ζ̣, ιδ
ζ̣ β, ιδ
column v
β η, ιϛ
η β, ιϛ
β θ, ιη
θ β, ιη
5β ι, κ
ι β, κ
side inner
ἀρχὴ μεγίστη
τοῦ φρονεῖν τὰ

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


  • 16-iii 8.

    The thousands are indicated with a diagonal tick at lower-left of the digit.

  • 1-2.

    These two lines lie next to lines 11 and 12 of column iii.

APIS Translation (English)

Outer side: ;Col. I;One half in the table of numbers;the half of 1: half;of 2: 1;of 3: 1 1/2;of 4: 2;of 5: 2 1/2;of 6: 3;of 7: 3 1/2;of 8: 4;of 9: 4 1/2;of 10: 5;of 20: 10;of 30: 15;Col. II;of 40: 20;of 50: 25;of 60: 30;of 70: 35;of 80: 40;of 90: 45;of 100: 50;of 200: 100;of 300: 150;of 400: 200;of 500: 250;of 600: 300;of 700: 350;of 800: 400;of 900: 450;of 1000: 500;of 2000: 1000;Col. III;of 3000: 1500;of 4000: 2000;of 5000: 2500;of 6000: 3000;of 7000: 3500;of 8000: 4000;of 9000: 45000;of 10000: 5000;below col. III-IV;Multiplication;one time 1: a;two times 2: 4;wo times 3: 6;two times 4: 8;four times 2: 8;Col. IV;two times 5: 10;five times 2: 10;two times 6: 12;six times 2: 12;two times 7: 14;seven times 2: 14;Col. V;two times 8: 16;8 times 2: 16;two times 9: 18;nine times 2: 18;two times 10: 20;ten times 2: 20;;Inner side: ;Literacy is the most important source of knowledge