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67141 R col. 2 l. 20-29 P. Cairo Masp. 2 = Trismegistos 65004 = LDAB 6245


Medical recipes. Fragment of a papyrus sheet broken on all sides. This document belongs, with six other pieces, to a papyrus codex containing on both sides accounts of Flavius Dioskoros, landlord, notary and man of letters in Aphrodito during the 6th cent. AD. On the recto, a second hand has copied two remedies against migraine in the blank space at the foot of the page. The medical text is written in a cursive hand assignable to the second half of 6th cent. AD.

DCLP transcription: 65004 [xml]

Προς ημικρανιον ημ[  ̣]εμφαλοׅν(*)
οׅυׅτׅ ―
Λαβων ζμ(ύ)ρ(νης) ὀλίγ(ον)(*) κ(αι) ἀκακ̣ί̣α̣ς̣(*)
και κροκομαγματο[ς] κ(αι) κομ<μ>ε̣ως,
5και τριψας μεθ οξους χρισον.
Καπνισον δε το κρανιον απο
ασφαλτο[υ] και κερατος ελαφιο(υ).
Αλλ(ο) ευφο[ρ]βιο(υ) μεταׅ λευκο(υ)
τ[ω]ν ωων καταπλ̣α̣<σ>σε τους κρο
10τׅαׅ[φο]υς ☧


^ 1. l. ημ[ι]εγ<κε>φαλον
^ 3. Wessely, Deutsche Literaturzeitung 22 (1912), 1392 : ζ μ(ε)ρ(η) ολιׅγׅ(ανου) (l. οριγ(ανου)) prev. ed.
^ 3. or ἀκάν̣θ̣η̣ς̣, Fournet, Travaux et Mémoires 12 (1994), 320, n. 22 : α καׅδ(μειας)  ̣  ̣ prev. ed.

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  • 3.

    ζμύρνη is abbreviated into a monogram, as in P.Acad. inv. 4.25.