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356 P. Köln Gr. 9 = Trismegistos 68614 = LDAB 9886


Medical treatise. Fragment (18 x 13 cm) of a papyrus roll broken on top, left and right sides, preserving on the recto the lower part of three consecutive columns of writing (verso is blank). Lower margin survives to a length of 2.5-3 cm; intercolumniation is 1.5 wide. Col. II contains 16 almost complete lines, col. II 15 line-endings, while col. III is most severely damaged. Paragraphoi, diplai and blank spaces are inserted to divide textual sections (col. I, 6; col. II, 7; col. III, 15). The fragment describes three different splenic diseases (col. I, 1-5; col. I, 6 - col. II, l. 3; col. II, 4-14) and one kidney pathology (col. II, 14ff.), providing also successful therapeutic prescriptions for them. These clinical pictures turn out to be parallel redactions of, respectively, Hp. Int. 30, 31, 32 and 14, suggesting that the papyrus originally contained an abridgement of the so-called Cnidian Senteces, which are commonly thought to be a direct source of Hp. Int. (see Gronewald 2001, 2-5 [= P.Köln 9.356], with the clarifications of Jouanna 2004, 230ff.). The script is a round bookhand of medium size with cursive traits assignable to the 2nd cent. AD.

DCLP transcription: 68614 [xml]

column i
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣  ̣
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣θαι(*), πρὸς δὲ
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣](*) ὀροπωτεῖν(*) κα-
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ἐὰν](*) δὲ μὴ ῥαΐ-
5[σῃ, παχυνθέν]τ̣α̣ κ̣αί̣[ε]ι̣ν.
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩](*) ⁦ vac. ? ⁩ ἄλλη ν̣[ό]σος·
[σπλῆνα] μ̣ὲν οἰδεῖν̣ καὶ
[πυρετὸν](*) ὀ̣ξὺν ἐπ̣[ι]γ̣{ε}ί̣ν̣ε̣σ̣θ̣α̣ι̣
[τοῦ σπλ]η̣ν̣ό̣ς̣, πρὸς δὲ τού-
10[τοις ἡ χρ]ο̣ι̣ὰ τῷ̣ κ̣ά̣μ̣ν̣ο̣ν̣-
[τι τρέπε]τ̣α̣ι̣ κ̣αὶ̣ ὁ̣ρ̣ᾶ̣-
[ται μέλα]ς̣, ἔπωχ̣ρ̣ο̣ς̣  ̣  ̣  ̣
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ τ]ῶ̣ν(*) οὔλων κ[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣(*)
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]ς ἐκ τῶν [ὤτ]ω̣ν
15[ἐκ τῶν] κ̣νημῶν ἕλ[κη ἐκρήγνυται ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
column ii
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣τατοι(*) καίειν.
[ἄλλη νό]σος· ὀδύνη σ̣π̣λη-
5[νὸς ὀ]ξεῖα διικνου̣μέ-
νη{ν̣} πρὸς τὸν ὦμον̣, ἔ̣-
τι δὲ πυρέττει › καὶ λέ-
γουσιν τὸν τοιοῦτον
θεραπεύειν ὃ̣π̣ε̣ρ̣ καὶ ἐν̣
10τῷ π̣ρόσθεν καὶ παχυν-
θέν̣τα καίειν. περὶ δὲ το̣ὺ̣ς
νεφρ[ο]ὺς τάσδε γ{ε}ίνε-
σθα̣ι τὰς ν̣όσους· μία̣ν̣
μ̣ὲ̣ν ἀρρ̣ω̣σ̣τία̣ν̣· πόνος
15ὀξὺ̣[ς] ε̣ἴ̣ς τ[ε] τὸν νεφρὸν
καὶ τὴν ὀσφῦν καὶ τὸν(*)
column iii
Traces 9 lines
10  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣η̣ς  ̣[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣μ̣  ̣[  ̣]
  ̣  ̣ς τὴ̣ν κοιλ[ίαν]  ̣  ̣  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣[  ̣]  ̣  ̣[  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
  ̣  ̣ ναρκοῖ   ̣  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
θος(*) τοῦ πύο[υ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
15εἰ δὲ μή   ̣(*)[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]


^ i.2. or [  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣εθαι (or [ὄψιον εὕδειν πρώιον δὲ ἐγ]ε̣ί̣ρ̣ε̣[σ]θαι)(*), or [  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣σθαι
^ i.3. or [τούτοις]
^ i.3. l. ὀροποτεῖν
^ i.3-4. or κα|[θ' ὥραν ἐὰν]
^ i.6. or [αὐτόν], or [⁦ vac. ? ⁩]
^ i.8. or [πόνον]
^ i.12-13. or σ̣ι̣δ̣[ι]|[οειδής τ]ῶ̣ν
^ i.13. or α̣, or ε̣
^ ii.3. or [  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]ν̣ό̣τατοι
^ ii.16-17. or καὶ τὴν ὀσφῦν καὶ τὸν|[κενεῶνα καὶ τὸν ὄρχιν τὸν κατὰ τὸν νεφρὸν ἐμπίπτει]
^ iii.13-14. or κ̣α̣[ὶ τὸ πλῆ]|θος
^ iii.15. or ἡ

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


  • Col. i, l. 2.

    [ὄψιον εὕδειν πρώιον δὲ ἐγ]ε̣ί̣ρ̣ε̣[σ]θαι: see Hp. Int. 30 and Gronewald 2001, 8.

  • 2-4.

    πρὸς δὲ [τούτοις] ὀροπωτεῖν κα[θ' ὥραν]: see Hp. Int. 16 (7, 206.6 L) τὴν ὥρην ὀρροποτεέτω καὶ γαλακτοποτεέτω.

  • 4-5.

    [ἐὰν] δὲ μὴ ῥαΐ[σῃ]: see the closing formulas of Hp. Int. 30, 31, and 33.

  • 5.

    παχυνθέν]τ̣α̣ κ̣αί̣[ε]ι̣ν: see below col. II, ll. 10f.

  • 8.

    According to Gronewald 2001, 9-10, [πυρετόν] fills up the lacuna more satisfactorily; contra Jouanna 2004, 227-8, who leans towards [πόνον].

  • 11.

    Final alpha stretched horizontally to fill up the line.

  • 11-1.

    κ̣αὶ̣ ὁ̣ρ̣ᾶ̣[ται μέλα]ς̣: dubitanter Jouanna 2004, 229: “Il paraît assez étonnant de retrouver dans le papyrus καὶ ὁρᾶται μέλας alors que dans le text d’Affections internes cette expression, bien qu’elle soit éditée par Littré, n’est qu’une correctoin récente de la vulgate qui ne correspond pas aux leçons des manuscrits anciens”.

  • 12-3.

    σ̣ι̣δ̣[ιοειδής]: the supplement is merely tentative; the word seems too long to fit into the available space.

  • Col. ii, l. 3.

    The description of the second splenic disease probably ends here.

  • 16-7.

    [κενεῶνα καὶ τὸν ὄρχιν τὸν κατὰ τὸν νεφρὸν ἐμπίπτει]: see Hp. Int. 14 (7, 202.1 L) and Gronewald 2001, 11.

  • Col. iii, l. 11.

    τὴ̣ν κοιλ[ίαν]: see Hp. Int. 16 (7, 204.15 L).

  • 13-4.

    ναρκοῖ κ̣α̣[ὶ τὸ πλῆ]θος τοῦ πύο[υ]: the author is probably focusing on how benumbing the pain and removing pus, see Hp. Int. 14 (7, 202.20 L).

  • 15.

    Before the break a vertical stroke, possibly eta, see Hp. Int. 14 (7, 202.22 L).