>More from Theban area Language Hieratic Date 1315-1080 B.C.
More from the period between 1315 BCE and 1080 BCE
Note (general) Also known as O. Wilson 100. Note (general) Location: Oriental Institute Note (general) Pub. status: Published: Recto and verso Subjects Thebes; Literary; Ostracon License Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

O. O.I. 25346, recto: Praised are you, O [divine] one who comes to Thebes in order to ask strength for himself...[from] Her. The districts are rejoicing with cries of satisfaction - our prayers are heard by the One who Illuminates; The House of the Scepter is exalted - She is far-reaching: His son is in celebration; The great memorial stelae reach to the sky because of the epiphanies of him who is divine overlord; Bowed down are the Eight Great Gods, their arms in homage, their mouths directed downward, their strength belonging to the Flourishing One. Enter, in order that you may be renewed within, in order that you may step forth [again] more than perfect. Adoration is recited for you in the Palace; and how beautiful is that which your Name has commanded! The Two Lands entire are bound at your throat, the Nine Bows are under your feet. They are saying, ''O divine ruler (l.p.h.), you who love Truth, you who love [kingship] - There are none who can equal you, none who dare to deceive you! There are none (O. O.I. 25346, verso:) who [brush?] a single consequence aside; There is no [longer] the oppression of falsehood; There is no placing a [rough] hand upon Truth; There is no reciting [a long list of] troubles; There is no striking of anyone [upon any day?].'' O One who causes that the downstream journeys be peaceful fivefold (?) - let good health be to you, Let life [in abundance] be yours, and grant [us also?] renewal each day!

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verage quality for a literary text and points to a composition during the Ramesside period. The verse points show that the mode of composition is verse. The lines group clearly into pairs throughout. Origin Theban area
More from Found: Egypt; written: Egypt
Form and Layout papyrus codex (11 fol.) (columns: 2, written lines: 27, pagination: 0) Script Type Alexandrian majuscule Genre tachygraphy Culture science Print Illustrations Anal. Pap. 14-15 (2002-2003), p. 119-133 Availability © Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Trismegistos: 69075 [source]

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