1 PGM.2 1 = Trismegistos 88396 = LDAB 10636
DCLP/LDAB Data [xml]
Title | Magical handbook with recipes, including hymns |
Principal Edition | 8062. Karl Preisendanz, Papyri Graecae Magicae. Die griechischen Zauberpapyri. I. Zweite verbesserte Auflage mit Ergänzungen von Karl Preisendanz und Ernst Heitsch. Durchgesehen und herausgegeben von Albert Henrichs. (Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Kommentare.) , (Stuttgart 1973). 1 |
translation | 12669. Hans Dieter Betz, The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells. Second Edition., (Chicago London 1992). 3-12 |
Reference Edition | 96044. Christopher A. Faraone and Sofía Torallas Tovar eds., Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation, Vol. 1, (2022). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9650x69r31 |
Catalog(s) | MP3 01863.000 |
Fragments | Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum P. 5025 |
Support Material | papyrus |
Date | 300 - 399 |
Origin | Found: Dios Polis (Peri Thebas, Egypt); written: Egypt |
Form and Layout | papyrus roll (columns: 5, written lines: 71-79, pagination: 0) |
Genre | magic; poetry |
Culture | religion |
Religion | classical; Egyptian background |
Images | berlpap.smb.museum/01590 |
Print Illustrations | ed. princ. (Parthey); W. Schubart, Papyri Graecae Berolinenses pl. 40; R. Phillips, In pursuit of invisibility, pl. 3-4 |
Availability | © Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. |
Trismegistos: 88396 [source]
Publications | Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 1 1 (1973) = Parthey, Zwei griechische Zauberpapyri (Abh. Berl. Akad. 1865) p. 109-149 (1866) = Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 2 Hymnen 4 p. 239-240 [I] (1974) = Betz, The Greek magical papyri in translation p. 3-12 no. PGM 1 (1992) = Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 2 Hymnen 8 p. 244 (1974) = Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 2 Hymnen 23 p. 262 (1974) |
Inv. no. | Berlin, Staatliche Museen P. 5025 |
Date | AD 300 - 399 |
Language | bilingual: Old Coptic / Greek |
Provenance | Egypt, U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)[found]; Egypt[written] |
Archive | Theban magical library |
Linked Data
RDF/XML | Turtle | N-Triples | JSON | Graph Visualization