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= Trismegistos 942316 = LDAB 942316


This papyrus has been digitally edited by Valentina Rossi and revised by Holger Essler as part of the exam of the course on Digital Editions of Fragmentary Texts at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

DCLP transcription: 942316 [xml]

fragment 1P.Herc. 1059 fr. 1
Multi-spectral image captured 1999-2002 by [unidentified responsible individual]

[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]scisse[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] semper [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
5[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ n]ụnc [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
fragment 2P.Herc. 1059 fr. 2

[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]ṛuuinaẹ[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] sed descẹn[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] ipse prospẹ[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
5[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]hortạtus [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
fragment 3P.Herc. 1059 fr. 3

[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]il[l]uṃ[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
5[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ a]more[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
fragment 4P.Herc. 1059 fr. 4

[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]bon[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] fragment 5P.Herc. 1059 fr. 5

[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] ạccedạ[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]

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