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apf.68.147_1 = HGV APF 68 (2022) S. 147 Nr. 1 = Trismegistos 38285

DDbDP transcription: apf.68.147_1 [xml]

† δέδ̣ω̣[κ]εν ὀν(όματος) Φοιβάμμων Φιβίωνος δ(ιὰ) τῶν κλ̣η̣ρ(ονόμων) Δανιηλίου
ε[ἰ]ς λόγον δημ̣οσί(ων) ἀν̣νωνῶν καὶ κανονικ(ῶν) τετάρτης ἰν̣δ(ικτίωνος) χρυσοῦ κερ[ά]τια̣
ἕνδεκα̣ ἥ̣μ̣ισυ, γ̣ί̣(νονται) κ(εράτια) ια 𐅵 μ(όνα). † Φοιβάμμων δι(αστολεύς). ἄκυρον δὲ κ(αὶ) ἀνίσκυρ̣(ον)(*) τὸ̣ ἐντ̣άγι(ον)
5[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣  ̣ αγι(  ) κ(ερατίων(?)) ϛ   ̣  ̣  ̣ ἰ̣(ν)δ(ικτίωνος). † Χριστόδ[  ̣]  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ συμ̣φ(ωνῶ) ††


^ 4. l. ἀνίσχυρ(ον)

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HGV 38285 Translation (English) [xml]

2  There have been given for the name of Phoibammon son of Phibion, through the heirs of Danielios, for the account of the public taxes of the annonae and canonica of the fourth indiction, eleven (and) one-half carats of gold, total 11 1/2 carats only. 4  Phoibammon, diastoleus. Τhe chit … of the 6 carats (?) ... indiction (is) void and without effect. I, Christod-, …, agree. (Translation: J. Gascou - N. Gonis, APF 68 (2022) 149)