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basp.50.166 = HGV BASP 50 (2013) S. 166 = Trismegistos 382534 = michigan.apis.4156

DDbDP transcription: basp.50.166 [xml]

κυρίῳ μο\υ/ τιμιωτάτῳ
ἀδελφ(ῷ) Ἀ̣ν̣ο\υ/βίων<ι>
Ἀλέξανδρος πρεσβ(ύτερος).
5[ἔσχον] κα̣ὶ̣ ἐδεξάμην
[παρὰ σο]ὶ(*) ἀπὸ λό̣γ(ου)
τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ γ̣ραμμα(τίου) ἀββα
(*)σὰκ μονάζ̣(οντος) τῶν τ̣ε̣-
σ̣ά̣ρ̣ων(*) χρυσίνων
10χρυσίου νομισμάτια
δύο παρὰ κεράτια
ὀκτώ, χρ(υσίου) νο(μισμάτια) β π̣(αρὰ) η
καὶ πρὸς σὴν̣ [ἀσφάλ(είαν)]
πεποίημ̣[αι τοῦτό]
15μου τὸ ἐντάγιον
ὡς πρόκιτε(*).
ἐγὼ Ἀλέξα̣ν̣δ̣ρος
π̣ρ̣ε̣σ̣β̣(ύτερος), [σ]τ̣[οι]χ̣εῖ μοι
τὸ ἐντάγιον ὡς
20πρόκιτε(*). ⳨
ἐγὼ Ἰωάννης
γραμμα(τεὺς) ἔγραψα
(*)πὲρ αὐτοῦ ἀξιωθὶς(*)
γράμματα μὴ̣ ἰ(δότος)(*)
25Χοιὰκ ιγ δ ἰν(δικτίονος)


^ 6. l. [σοῦ]
^ 8. ϊσακ papyrus
^ 8-9. l. τε|σσάρων
^ 16. l. πρόκειται
^ 20. l. πρόκειται
^ 23. ϋπερ papyrus
^ 23. l. ἀξιωθεὶς
^ 24. l. εἰδότος

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 382534 Translation (English) [xml]

1  † To my most honored lord brother Anoubion, Alexander the presbyter.
5  I have obtained and received from you two (2) solidi minus eight (8) carats for the (outstanding) account of Abba Isak's debt of four solidi.
13  And for your security I have made this receipt of mine, as described above.
17  I, Alexander the presbyter: the receipt, as described above, is satisfactory to me. †
21  I Johannes the scribe, wrote on his behalf, at his request, since he does not know how to write.
25  13 Choiak, 4th indiction. (Translation with minor modifications: C.M. Sampson, BASP 50 (2013) 169)