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cde.88.106 = HGV CdE 88 (2013) S. 106 = Trismegistos 44926

DDbDP transcription: cde.88.106 [xml]

ἔτους ι Μεχεὶρ κε τέ(τακται) ἐπὶ τὴν ἐν Ἑρμ(ώνθει) τρά(πεζαν)
ἐ̣φ̣’ ἧ̣ς̣ Διονύ(σιος) προστί(μου) θ (ἔτους) Ὧρος Νεχούθ̣ου
[(τάλαντα) τρί]α̣ (γίνονται) (τάλαντα) γ [καὶ τὰ κα(θήκοντα) τ]έλη·
Δι(ονύσιος) τρ[α(πεζίτης)] (τάλαντα) δ Ασ.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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HGV 44926 Translation (English) [xml]

1  Year 10, 25 Mecheir. Has paid to the bank at Hermonthis, headed by Dionysios, for the prostimon of year 9, Horos, son of Nechouthes, three talents, that are 3 talents, and the taxes due, Dionysios banker, (total:) 4 talents 1200 drachmas. (Translation: K. Vandorpe – K.A. Worp, CdE 88 (2013) 106)