sign in = HGV P.Dura 63 = Trismegistos 44791 = yale.apis.4400100032 = yale.apis.4400100031

DDbDP transcription: [xml]

AD 211 Dura
[Reprinted from: .] Ch.L.A. 6,318

[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] Agathonio
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ Satur]ṇino ṣ[u]ọ
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣as ad me
5[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩] (centur (?)) Ṣeleuci
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]ọstrum qui vi
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]ṃ vendidisse ḥe[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣o proc̣(urator) dupla bona
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣  ̣  ̣[  ̣  ̣]ḍus ei  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩ Agathon]io
  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]  ̣[  ̣]ṣ[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
Iul(ius) Pọṃp̣[o]nianus Sạ[turn]ịno suo
(hand 2) acc(epta) Kal(endis) Iul(iis) Gentiano et Baṣṣ[o co](n)ṣ(ulibus) ṣạḷụtem
5peto domine frater Themaṛ[sam Zebi-]
da et Hiereum Abẹ[d ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
de quibus tibi ṣ[c]ṛ[i]ḅ[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
meus dọṃinus   ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
Ạppada[na ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
10[  ̣]ẹ[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
Agathonio [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
a Iul(io) P[o]ṃp̣ọṇ[iano ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: [xml]

II spc Ankyron
[Reprinted in:] RomMilRec 88

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: chla.6.318 [xml]

AD 211 Dura
[Reprinted in: .] Rom.Mil.Rec. 88

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.dura.63 [xml]

II/III spc Dura
[Reprinted in: .] Rom.Mil.Rec 88


Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.