sign in

o.abu.mina.187 = HGV O.AbuMina 187 = Trismegistos 116386

DDbDP transcription: o.abu.mina.187 [xml]

† ἀπὸ αππα Κυ(ρίου) συμ(μά)χ(ου)
ὀν(ικὴ) φο(ρὰ) α δύο(*) μ(όνον) μ(ηνὶ) Με(σορὴ) κϛ ἰνδ(ικτίονος) δ


^ 2. l. μία, or ὀν(ικαὶ) φο(ραὶ) α (l. β) δύο


  • 2. "Either the digit is 1 and the scribe wrote, obviously by mistake, “two” or the digit was a mistake for β." (N. Litinas)

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