DDbDP transcription: o.abu.mina.86 [xml]
[† ἀπὸ] Γεωργίου
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ις(*) ὀν(ικὴ) φο(ρὰ) α μία μ(όνον)
[μ(ηνὶ)] Με(σορὴ) κϛ ἰνδ(ικτίονος) δ †
^ 2.
or [Λῦβ]ις(?) (or [λανᾶρ]ις(?))(*)
- 2011-07-13T15:27:39.3-04:00 [joshuad.sosin]: Finalized - ready
- 2011-07-13T15:27:39.297-04:00 [joshuad.sosin]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-FInalization - Accept. Lin2--> <:[.4]ις|alt:|<:[Λῦβ]ις(?)|alt:|[λανᾶρ]ις(?):>:>
; lin3-->κϛ
- 2011-06-17T03:36:38.317-04:00 [PaulvdLaan]: Entered Greek text from O.AbuMina 86. Lin2-> [Λανᾶρ]ις (capital)?
- 2011-06-17T03:09:38-04:00 [editor]: Automated creation from template
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.