sign in

o.berenike.2.167 = HGV O.Ber. 2 167 = Trismegistos 89193 = berenike.apis.167

DDbDP transcription: o.berenike.2.167 [xml]

Σαραπίων Κασίου
Ἀνδουρωι χ(αίρειν)· δι(απόστειλον) Πετεαρποχ(ράτῃ)
Ψε̣ν̣θφοῦτος(*) οἴν(ου) πολ(  )
κεράμια πεντήκοντα
5ὀ̣κτώι. Ἐπεὶφ ια.


^ 3. l. Ψεντφοῦτος, R. Ast (from photo) (via PN) : Ψε̣ν̣τ̣φοῦτος prev. ed.

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APIS Translation (English)

Sarapion son of Kasios to Andouros, greetings. Dispatch for Peteharpochrates son of Psentphous, fifty-eight keramia of pol( ) wine. Epeiph 11.