DDbDP transcription: o.berenike.3.280 [xml]
(δεκανίας) Ποριόπτης(*)
(ἑκατονταρχίας) Ἀλβίου
5Ἀντίοχος \κεμ( )/(*) ι
^ 1.
l. Ποριεύθης^ 2.
l. Ἐπτωνύχου^ 3.
l. Δομίτιος^ 5.
l. κεράμ(ια)
- 2017-04-07T08:33:52-04:00 [james.cowey]: Finalized - Ready.
- 2017-04-06T11:39:31-04:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Fine
- 2017-04-05T11:42:41-04:00 [SinjaK%C3%BCppers]: Submit - Edition of O.Ber. 3,280 from the print edition. I tagged the number with
the arabic value.
- 2017-04-05T10:17:41-04:00 [editor]: Automated creation from template
- No further history recorded.
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.