DDbDP transcription: o.berenike.3.439 [xml]
decanias(*) Apollonius
Heracleu camelites
Psenthotes Paereọs(*)
(centuriae) Pacci C̣ṛịllienus et
5(centuriae) Tertulli Iulius Seneca
ampuras(*) xxii
^ 1.
l. decaniae^ 3.
R. Ast (from photo) (via PN) : Paereus (l. Paeris) prev. ed.^ 6.
l. amphoras
- 2020-11-04T02:40:37-05:00 [simoeis]: Finalized - ready
- 2020-11-02T13:48:50-05:00 [andrea.bernini82]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Correction checked against a photo.
- 2020-11-02T08:31:54-05:00 [simoeis]: Submit - The purported 'u' in Paereus, the reading of the ed.pr., is much smaller
than other examples of that letter. It seems more likely that this is a small 'o',
similar to the first 'o' in Apollonius (l. 1). The ink is smudged, which distorts
the reading, but the resultant 'Paereọs' gives us the expected genitive of this name
(for Greek Παήρεως).
- 2020-10-29T15:10:57-04:00 [simoeis]: General - The purported 'u' in Paereus, the reading of the ed.pr., is much smaller
than other examples of that letter. It seems better to take the letter as a small
'o', similar to the first 'o' in Apollonius (l. 1). The ink is smudged, which distorts
the reading. The resultant 'Paereọs' gives us the expected genitive of this name (for
Greek Παήρεως).
- 2017-12-19T12:29:10-05:00 [james.cowey]: Finalized - Ready.
- 2017-12-16T10:14:56-05:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Fine
- 2017-12-15T11:58:27-05:00 [NiklasBettermann]: Submit - Eingabe nach Edition.
- 2017-12-15T11:55:44-05:00 [editor]: Automated creation from template
- No further history recorded.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.