sign in

o.edfou.3.474 = HGV O.Edfou 3 474 = Trismegistos 54003

DDbDP transcription: o.edfou.3.474 [xml]

I spc Apollonopolis Magna

Demotic 2 lines
3Th<e>on · Pachumis · art(abas)   ̣(*) [⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
Epip(*) v


^ 3. · papyrus
^ 3. x(?) O.Edfou 3.474 app.
^ 4. R. Ast (from photo) (via PN) : Epif prev. ed.


  • 4.

    The last letter of the month name looks very much like the 'p' two letters earlier. For Latin 'Epip' and 'Ephip', see, respectively, W.Chr. 463 col. II, 3, col. III, 10 and BGU 7.1691.3.

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